1. 課程規劃:3年修讀6門課,共計必修18學分
*進入第一年內必須修畢商用寫作與口語訓練(一)與(二) – 6個學分,未修畢者得強制轉出ETP。若大一中途休學而無法繼續
修讀年級 | 課程名稱 | 學分 | 開課期別 | 開課單位 | 學分費 |
一 | 商用寫作與口語訓練(一) | 3 | 單學期 | 商學院 | 依規定辦理 |
一 | 商用寫作與口語訓練(二) | 3 | 單學期 | 商學院 | 依規定辦理 |
二 | 商用中級口語訓練 | 3 | 單學期 | 商學院 | 依規定辦理 |
二 | 商用中級寫作訓練 | 3 | 單學期 | 商學院 | 依規定辦理 |
三 | 商用進階口語實務 | 3 | 單學期 | 商學院 | 依規定辦理 |
三 | 商用進階英文寫作 | 3 | 單學期 | 商學院 | 依規定辦理 |
*此類課程為本院統籌開設,共計18學分,依商學院大學部學分費收費標準,於學雜費另外收費 (112學年度收費標準為:1,040/一學分, 3,120/三學分 )。若棄修仍應繳費,否則該科將以零分計算。
2. 課程內容簡介
課名 |
課程規劃 |
教學大綱目標 |
可達成之核心目標 |
商用寫作與口語訓練(一) | 著重聽、說、讀、寫的整合訓練,並培養團隊合作的英語技能, |
1. Completion of one piece of writing (e.g. personal letter, narrative)
2. Team oral project 3. Paragraph structure |
Teamwork Skills 團隊合作能力、
English Language Skills 綜合英語能力 |
Business Writing and Oral training I | This course provides a comprehensive training with focuses on speaking and writing proficiencies, as well as developing teamwork skills in English. It aims to enhance students’ personal writing skill and to express ideas and opinions clearly and coherently in English on a familiar subject matter. | ||
商用寫作與口語訓練(二) | 延續聽、說、讀、寫的整合訓練,並強化學生段落寫作能力, |
1. Paragraph writing training
2. Comparison and Contrast in paragraph writing 3. Discuss and present extensive issues 4. Oral presentation skills |
English Language Skills 綜合英語能力、
Oral Discussion Skills 英語口語討論能力 |
Business Writing and Oral training II | This course is a continuation of the comprehensive training in speaking, and the strengthening of students’paragraph writing skill. Students will also learn to express ideas and opinions logically and structurally in English on a wide range of topics. | ||
商用中級口語訓練 | 藉由商用中級口語訓練,使學生能以英語就商業議題討論、掌握國際議題 |
1. Debate participation
2. Informative speech 3. Business brief skills
Oral Communication Skills 英語口語溝通能力、
Presentation Skills 英語演說能力、
Teamwork Skills 團隊合作能力 |
Intermediate Business Oral training | Through this course, students will learn to express ideas and opinions clearly and coherently in English on current events and business related topics. Students will receive sufficient training toenhance their speech and debate skills. | ||
商用中級寫作訓練 | 本課程著重於學術與商業寫作。課程將涵蓋摘要寫作、 三類短文體裁及商業書信, |
1. Essay structure
2. Cause and Effect (Causal Analysis) academic format 3. Argumentation 4. Business writing training 5. Integrated final project (e.g. Brochure, Trade Show) |
Written Communication Skills 英語寫作溝通能力、
Career Preparation Skills 職場準備能力 |
Intermediate Business Writing | The course focuses on academic and business writing trainings, including summary/abstract writing; three modes of essays; and business letters and documents. The course aims to equip students with the ability to produce well-organized, logical, and lucid essays and business documents. | ||
商用進階口語實務 | 協助學生撰寫履歷及職場相關文件,為未來職場及實習做準備。 |
1. Resume/CV preparation
2. Persuasive speech training 3. Impromptu speech 4. Intercultural project (Case Competition)
Advanced Oral Skills 進階英語口說能力、
Teamwork Skills 團隊合作能力、
Career Preparation Skills 職場準備能力 |
Advanced Business Oral training | Through this course, students will learn to further enhance their oral and writing skills in terms of making impromptu speech and presenting on business projects/initiatives and produce effective resumes and CVs. | ||
商用進階英文寫作 | 透過商用進階英文寫作訓練,使學生能有效撰寫進修所需相關文件如讀書研究計畫,並完成模擬職場寫作文體之專案,加強個案研究的學習。模擬面試情境,使學生能於工作面談中行銷自己。學習商業談判,強化有效溝通能力。 | 1. Statement of purpose
2. Job interview 3. Persuasive speech training 4. Case study 5. Negotiation skills 6. Simulated workplace writing Project
Career Preparation Skills 職場準備能力、
Advanced Written Communication Skills 進階英語寫作溝通能力、
Integrated Communication Skills 整合式英語溝通能力
Advanced Business Writing | Through this course, students will be trained to effectively write Statement of Purpose and complete a simulated workplace writing project. Also, students will learn to master job interviews and business negotiation skills. |